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February 12, 2022

Reason #3: How You Can Become Socially Healthy During This Season of Romance

Ever noticed how good you feel after you have interacted with people with whom you share a mutually positive connection? There’s a reason for that. In fact, research from the National Institutes of Health says that not onl...

Ever noticed how good you feel after you have interacted with people with whom you share a mutually positive connection?   There’s a reason for that.  In fact, research from the National Institutes of Health says that not only do social connections influence our biology and well-being, strong social ties can impact everything from  a longer life, stress reduction, your ability to fight off germs and  better heart health ,which is very appropriate since February is also designated American Heart Month and  The American Heart Association

n this episode I'm going  to give you  the third  reason why I think you can work with Cupid to  become intentional about being socially  healthy 

But before I talk about the importance of being socially healthy, I wanted to remind you to grab your FREE Affirmation eCards to shift your mindset, raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence.  Just click the link! So let’s get back to being socially healthy.

Here are Some Gems and Takeaways From the Show:

  • Whether you have a Valentine or not, you can celebrate with your besties, the day before, February 13,  which has come to be known as Galentine’s day since 2010
  • You can form  social connections that might release those feel good hormones that can help protect your health and lengthen your life by joining groups that can help you grow your passions/hobbies  like dancing, sewing, knitting, gardening, book clubs
  • Volunteering at your local hospital, food pantry, place of worship

Don’t forget to grab your FREE Affirmation eCards to shift your mindset, raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence.  Just click the link!

American Heart Association
Galentine’s Day
National Institutes of Health
Center for Disease Control
National Health Council 

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FREE Affirmation eCards


Peggie Kirkland  0:04  
Welcome to the Momma's Motivational Messages podcast, where women learn to stop putting themselves on the backburner, and start paying attention to caring for themselves first, so they can be better for everyone else in their lives. I know you'll be inspired by the stories of resiliency and starting over of health and self-healing, of gaining clarity through journaling, of showing self-love through world travel, and the list goes on. I encourage you to relax and enjoy. I'm your host Peggie Kirkland,PK.

Peggie Kirkland  0:46  
 In the introduction to this mini-series, that I call Seven Reasons why Cupid Needs to Work Harder This Valentine's Day, I talked about why you need to work with Cupid to make loving yourself first, a priority. And by the way, you should do so unapologetically. In other words, you and qubit can become a majority. So it wouldn't matter whether you're showered with gifts on Valentine's Day, or if your lame Valentine ghosts you, or if you have no Valentine. What's important is how you show love to and for yourself on this day.

Peggie Kirkland  1:33  
 I also promised that I would provide you with seven reasons why you should use quote unquote Cupid's day to take your self care to the next level. First, I focused on being mentally healthy. And I shared nine cues from Mayo Clinic that would allow you to answer the question, "Am I mentally healthy?" The second reason why I think Cupid needs to work harder this Valentine's Day is so that you can use Cupid's arrow strikes to fall in love with your body in such a way that you're intentional about keeping it healthy, and so that you can pay attention to preventing things such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, several cancers, and hypertension, to name just a few health concerns. So that was episode one and two.

Peggie Kirkland  2:32  
 In this episode, I'm going to give you the third reason why I think Cupid needs to work harder this Valentine's Day. That reason is so that you can be intentional about being socially healthy. But before I talk about the importance of being socially healthy, I wanted to remind you to grab your FREE Affirmation ecards by clicking on the link in the show notes. These 20 affirmations will help you as you shift your mindset from focusing on what you're lacking to focusing on your strengths. In fact, I'm urging you to observe the effect repeating these affirmations has on you and how they help to raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence. Try to be aware of how your mind and body react when you practice repeating the affirmations. So go ahead and grab your FREE Affirmation ecards. Choose one or two affirmations that resonate with you, and make a habit of repeating them several times throughout the day especially when you wake up in the morning and at night before you go to bed. I like to write my affirmations on Post Its so I could put them wherever I want to see them, like on the refrigerator or on my bathroom mirror or on my desk. So let's get back to being socially healthy. 

Peggie Kirkland  4:05  
You ever noticed how good you feel after you've interacted with people that you feel positive about and who you share a mutually positive connection with? You ever noticed how you might find yourself smiling or chuckling long after the conversation or meeting with them?

Peggie Kirkland  4:28  
There's a reason for that, you know. In fact, research from the National Institutes of Health says that not only do social connections influence our biology and wellbeing strong social ties can impact everything from a longer life, stress reduction, your ability to fight off germs and better heart health, which is very appropriate since February is also designated American Heart Month. by the Center for Disease Control, and the American Heart Association.

Peggie Kirkland  5:06  
 So these social ties can come from being with friends, family, neighbors, co workers, clubs and organizations, or religious groups. And they all can impact the quality of your life. And people who have, or who interact with diverse groups of social ties, have better physical and mental health. That's what the National Institutes of Health says. So I talked about leveraging Valentine's Day and this month of romance, to be a time for focusing on maintaining good mental and physical health. So now we're going to add social health to that.

Peggie Kirkland  5:49  
 I'm sure you found that as you get older and more focused on your climb up the career ladder, and focusing on your growing families, that you seem to have less time to maintain friendships and relationships. I know I have, I remember the days when my phone would ring off the hook nonstop, with people checking in and having long conversations and you know, just carrying on endlessly. And these days, my phone is quiet a lot more than it used to be.

Peggie Kirkland  6:32  
 If you've been experiencing the same thing, why not use this time to reconnect with one or two people with whom you have had positive connections. And don't forget, Galentine's  Day is February 13. So whether you have a Valentine or not, you can celebrate with your besties the day before. And by the way, if you haven't heard about Galentine's Day before, it actually originated on an episode of the popular TV show Parks and Recreation and that was since 2010. So I'm saying put Cupid to work a day early as you celebrate with those females that you love most, and who've supported you and who you've supported. This is sure to bring you joy, love and laughter that will last a long time whether you have a Valentine or not. 

Peggie Kirkland  6:32  
If you're at that point of thinking about how you can grow your social network, here are some ways in which you can form social connections that might release those feel good hormones that can help protect your health, and lengthen your life. You can join groups that can help you grow your passions or your hobbies, like dancing, sewing, knitting, gardening, reading, writing, or you can take classes that are geared to increase your physical activity like yoga, tai chi, Zumba. If you like to garden but don't have the space, join a community garden or how about  starting one. Or you can volunteer at your local hospital, food pantry or at your place of worship. And while you're at it, use some affirmations to keep you positive and motivated to stay socially healthy. Check out Episode 20 in our Season of Affirmations, it's titled, You are Responsible for Creating Your own Realities and repeat the affirmation. "I am responsible for creating my own realities. I am responsible for creating my own realities. I am responsible for creating my own realities."

Peggie Kirkland  6:32  
 And don't forget to grab your FREE Affirmation ecards. You'll get 20 more affirmations to shift your mindset, raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence. Just click the link in the show notes. And they'll be on their way to you. That's it for now. I'm trusting you and CupId to be intentional about maintaining good social health.

Peggie Kirkland  9:29  
If you've been inspired and encouraged by the positive messages in today's show, please take a moment to rate and review the show on Apple podcast. This will help to keep the show alive. And remember. Sharing is caring. So don't forget to share these gems with friends and family strangers too if you like.  Let them know it's available wherever they listen to their podcasts. I'm counting on you to share the love.  Until next time, this is PK sending you much light and a whole lot of love