Traditional Naturopath
As a Traditional Naturopath, I am passionate about empowering women to thrive naturally during mid-life through natural health, natural movement and natural beauty, so they can make this the most vibrant and impactful phase of their lives.
My journey in natural healing began almost 30 years ago...
I had been struggling with chronic, recurring bouts of bronchitis for years. I had tried all the conventional treatments, but my health was continuing to decline.
Then a friend suggested I try an herbal remedy instead of the usual course of antibiotics that were obviously not working very well. I recovered in half the time I usually did! And, even more amazingly, the recurrences became less and less frequent until bronchitis became a thing of the past for me.
That did it!
I was hooked.
I began my journey of creating a natural lifestyle and true wellness for myself no matter what health challenges I faced.
Professional credentials:
Doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy
Master’s in Herbal Medicine
Certificate in Aromatherapy
Certificate in Nutrition
Certificate in Homeopathy
Certificate in Reflexology
Certificate in Iridology
Professional Middle Eastern Dance Performer and Instructor
Founder and CEO of Natural Look Mineral Makeup